
Tips for foundation work


Recommendations for foundation work: selection by type

Soil, water that approaches the surface, regional climate - this is what is taken into account first of all in the process of designing the entire house and the design features of the foundation. The parameters of this part directly depend on the dimensions of the future building. The more complex the configuration of the future house, the more floors and massiveness of the walls - the more powerful the foundation part is laid.

You also need to carefully study the terrain and the specifics of the building material. The ability to withstand heavy loads implies the construction of a building from concrete, brick and heavy blocks. Frame and timber house systems are considered lighter.

In terms of varieties, the following types of foundations are distinguished:

  • Strip - is arranged under low-rise buildings with basements in places with relatively strong soils. On clay soils, the strip implies the need for deepening, which increases the cost of the project.

  • Pile – recommended for peat, wet and heaving soils. The piles are driven into the lower soil layers for greater reliability.

  • Slab. It is used in the construction of large block and brick buildings and cottages, ensuring uniform distribution of mass over the entire area.

  • Glass type - is a prefabricated structure made of factory-made reinforced concrete blocks. Such blocks consist of two parts - a base support plate and a pyramidal-shaped column base (shoe) coming out of it with a cavity in the central part, in which the reinforced concrete column is fixed.

  • Made from screw piles, not used very often. Recommended for lightweight buildings, with a relatively low load-bearing capacity.

How are foundation construction works carried out?

As the basis of the house, this element lays the foundation for the operation of the premises for many decades in the future. Therefore, the construction process must be approached with the utmost responsibility, since future operating costs and comfortable living in the house depend on it. Foundation advice from specialists will allow you to identify several important points when preparing for its construction.

The first thing you need to decide is who will carry out the construction process. In this case, there are several options:

  • On your own. This means mixing and pouring the concrete mixture yourself. The advantages here include financial savings. The disadvantages include large expenditures of physical strength, time, and the need for knowledge and skills in this area.
  • Hiring specialists from a company providing construction services. All work will be performed by experienced professionals. With high quality, this format requires large capital investments. Another advantage is the delivery of the facility on a turnkey basis.
  • Ordering ready-mix concrete with delivery to the site. In this situation, the building material is brought using special equipment. Pouring is done independently. The costs will be approximately 15-20% of the cost of the turnkey format.
  • Combined option. This is a combination of purchasing ready-mixed concrete and ordering the services of professionals for pouring. The final estimate will be estimated at 60-80% of the turnkey work.

Regardless of the type of foundation, it is better to pour it in the warm season. In the absence of temperature changes and the required humidity, the concrete mixture hardens better, does not crack, providing all the characteristics provided by the manufacturers.

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