
Mistakes when laying tiles


In interior design, tiles are the most practical and functional finishing material. However, for many craftsmen, even those with good experience, the process of laying tiles can be a real challenge. Therefore, it is very important before starting work to take into account many factors on which the quality of the coating and the durability of its operation will depend. It is also worth knowing about possible mistakes that many finishers often make.

The most common mistakes when laying tiles

Surface cladding without a laying seam is the most common defect. The main requirement in this case is the presence of an installation seam, the width of which must be at least 1 mm. Ignoring this requirement can lead to serious problems:

Thermal expansion. Most materials have these properties as a result of their response to the temperature conditions of the room. If you do not take this point into account, the tile will subsequently crack.

Humidity. The function of the seam in this case is to prevent moisture from getting under the tile. Thus, it prevents the appearance of bacteria and fungi.

Violation of aesthetics. Seams make it possible to decorate the covering in accordance with the design concept and create a unified style of the room.

Another mistake that craftsmen often make in their work is the wrong choice of glue. Its quality, composition, adhesive properties, and method of application play a big role in the performance characteristics of the tile coating. If you use the wrong glue, there is a high risk that the tile will eventually peel off, have cracks on it, or separate elements will fall out.

How to avoid mistakes when laying tiles: basic accents

To avoid various unpleasant situations, you should remember several important points, the essence of which is as follows:

Calculation of materials. At this stage of preparation, mistakes are made very often, since inexperienced craftsmen calculate the material based on the laying area. For example, 30 meters of square tiles will not be enough to accommodate 30 square meters, since 10-15% must be added to this number for cutting and breaking.

Lack of surface primer. The procedure of cleaning floors or walls and applying primer will significantly increase adhesion. In turn, this ensures reliable fixation of the tiles, since the base will not quickly absorb moisture from the tile adhesive.

No concrete contact. Any smooth surface must be treated with concrete contact. This material contains quartz sand, which provides excellent adhesion. You can make notches on a surface painted with oil paint using a hammer or grinder.

Uneven walls. Avoiding mistakes in this case is very important, since incorrect angles and curved wall surfaces will be clearly visible after installing plumbing equipment and household appliances. Therefore, all walls must be aligned with the beacons while maintaining angles of 90 degrees.

Installation of tiles on plaster. Walls and floors should be treated using cement-sand mortar. Gypsum plaster will not be able to hold the tiles, and over time they will simply fall off. Cement also ensures uniform distribution of the glue and prevents the influence of moisture.

Incorrect tile layout. Elements of finishing material must be laid out so as to prevent thin trimming at the corners. For example, if a small piece of tile is created in the corner, it is advisable to remove it along with the whole piece from the row. What remains is placed in the middle of the wall. Thus, elements from a larger or smaller half of the tile come out to the edge.

Incorrect tile geometry. Even the most expensive material is not immune from flaws. The size of each tile can be 1-2 mm smaller or larger - and this is quite enough for the appearance of the coating to become hopelessly damaged. Therefore, you need to pay a little attention to this factor and sort the material after opening the pack. It's very easy to do. You need to place the tile on a flat surface. Products that stick out will be immediately visible - they can be set aside for trimming at the corners.

Experts include other errors in facing work:

  • gluing ceiling moldings to tiles,
  • presence of excess glue in the seams,
  • using liquid glue
  • laying the material on the so-called lyapukhi.

The last option is to fix the tiles only at 4 corners. The correct format for work is to evenly distribute the glue over the surface using a notched spatula.

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