
How to correctly calculate the foundation: it won’t work quickly


The foundation is a solid foundation from which the construction of a building, both residential and non-residential, begins. In other words, it is a structure that takes on the basic weight of the loads - from the base to the roof. Its main function is its ability to withstand the full weight of the building at any time of the year, both winter and summer. When constructing foundations, high-strength materials are used that have excellent water and frost-resistant characteristics: gravel, sand, rubble, monolithic reinforced concrete structures.

How to correctly calculate the foundation and why is it necessary?

Как правильно рассчитать фундамент

Structurally, foundations are divided into strip, solid, columnar and pile. Depending on the construction technology - prefabricated and monolithic. Each of these subtypes provides for separate planning and the need for accurate calculations at the preparation stage. At the same time, the specifics of how to correctly calculate a strip foundation or a pile foundation will vary depending on the specified characteristics.

For each individual type of foundation, the basic indicators for builders are the following:

  • load-bearing characteristics of the soil at the site where the structure will be installed;
  • indicators of soil deformation parameters;
  • basic soil data;
  • soil freezing depth;
  • groundwater level;
  • potential load in the form of snow mass.

In addition, when deciding how to correctly calculate the foundation for a house, you will need to determine the degree of load of a particular building.

The method of its installation is also taken into account. Experts use low-depth and shallow-depth methods. In the first case, the structure is laid at a depth below the freezing level of the ground, in the second - above. Shallow foundations are recommended for non-residential buildings, summer houses, bathhouses and other light buildings.

How to correctly calculate the foundation for a house: key parameters

Как правильно рассчитать фундамент под дом

Every experienced specialist who works with laying the foundations of buildings will say that there is simply no single scheme for accurately calculating such structures. Therefore, in each individual case, when determining how to correctly calculate the foundation for a house made of aerated concrete, brick or other building material, you need to approach it individually, adhering to certain rules:

  • indicate the soil data listed above - it is better to entrust such work to a geophysical laboratory that has the appropriate equipment;
  • after this, the mass of each individual element of the structure erected on the foundation should be calculated - calculations are carried out based on the indicators of the construction project;
  • then the maximum load points of the structure are indicated;
  • determining the support point of the building - this can be done by dividing the maximum mass by data on the permissible load.

No less important is information in this process about the specifics of the concrete with reinforcement used, which makes it possible to determine the strength indicators and the total cost of the work performed.

How to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of the foundation

Как правильно рассчитать кубатуру фундамента

The main material for pouring structures is concrete - a universal raw material format that allows you to change its technical characteristics. To initially determine the amount of concrete used, you need to make certain calculations, taking into account the type and geometric shape of the foundation itself. In this regard, recommendations on how to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of the foundation are as follows:

  • Slab

In essence, it is a monolithic slab, which is the simplest geometric figure. To make calculations, you need to calculate the area of the entire structure and multiply it by its height.

  • Columnar

In this case, height and cross-sectional area data will be required. With a square column, the length of the side is multiplied by the same value. For a round column, the radius is multiplied by 3.14, and the resulting number is multiplied by the height of the column.

  • Tape

Here you need to take into account the height, width and length of the future foundation - both underground and outer parts. To calculate the amount of concrete, the obtained data should be multiplied.

As follows from the above, calculating the foundation of a house is a rather complex and specific task, and therefore, in the absence of certain skills, it is best to entrust it to experienced specialists.

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