
Apartment design in Scandinavian style


Scandi or Scandinavian style is a popular trend in interior design, driven by society’s desire to live in a natural environment. It is noteworthy that this direction is acceptable for any room format. In the Scandinavian style, it is quite possible to decorate a children's room or living room, as well as a kitchen or dining room.

Apartment design in Scandinavian style

No frills, maximum comfort and plenty of light - this is how you can briefly describe the main features of decorating an apartment in the Scandi style. A more detailed description of the basic accents is as follows:

  • Functionality. This is a priority moment for this direction. Everything you need is at hand. Many things perform several functions at once.
  • Free space. There must be a lot of it. Neither furniture nor accessories clutter the light, and the entire environment provides complete freedom of movement.
  • Gray and white. These are the two main colors of the Scandinavian style. They can be found in different tones and shades, present both in decoration and in decor. However, they also allow some inclusions of a different color to create a bright accent.
  • Window. Their task is to ensure maximum flow of natural light. Very often this style does not include curtains at all. If necessary, options from light, translucent fabrics are selected.

Flooring is carried out using natural wood, laminate or solid boards. The priority is a light tone, which ideally emphasizes the Scandi character.

Apartment interiors in Scandinavian style

To transform the interior space of an apartment or house into a cozy and functional space, you should pay attention to some basic points. From a design point of view, a “correct” Scandinavian-style interior includes the following features:

  • The walls are finished in dazzling white or light colors. Beige, milky, creamy, and light brown tones will also be a good option for decoration.
  • To reflect daylight, it is advisable to use multiple mirrors.
  • Furniture for furnishings is selected in the simplest possible forms with strict lines. Complex fittings and bulky items are not allowed.
  • In terms of materials used, furniture made from real wood, also in light colors, is best.
  • There is no need to allow an abundance of accessories. It is best to place an expressive emphasis on one or two bright elements.

You can create coziness with the help of carefully selected decorative components. It must be remembered that in this style they act as a mandatory piece of furniture. The Scandi stylist provides for the presence of soft carpets, bright cushions on the sofa, and comfortable textiles. Each detail certainly carries a special meaning.

DIY renovation in Scandinavian style

When planning a Scandi-style renovation on your own, it makes sense to listen to some advice from interior designers:

  • the walls and ceiling can simply be covered with light plaster;
  • an original solution would be an addition in the form of wooden overlay panels on the wall surface;
  • in the bedroom or nursery you can paste wallpaper in matching tones;
  • in bathrooms it is recommended to use tiles of predominantly contrasting tones;
  • It is advisable to use borders and baseboards made of polystyrene foam as a border.
  • For lighting you need to choose standard LED bulbs, the preferred color temperature is from 4000 to 6000 K.

When carrying out repair work, you need to remember that the Scandinavian style implies impeccability. Surface imperfections and oblique angles will attract attention, standing out under white paint or on contrasting details. Therefore, if you lack construction skills, it is better to entrust this repair to professionals.

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